Time to plant Orchids

Fall comes again… It’s time to plant orchids now if we want them to flourish by next Spring.


Time to plant Orchids at Phytesia

It is time to prepare your garden for the spring and the next summer. Soon your rustic orchid masses will make your neighbors jealous.

Get 10% OFF your order thanks to the code FALL2017

Take advantage of the Fall2017 offer at Phytesia: 10% on the 6 Cypripedium kit

The kit of 6 Lady Slippers is available with an action -10% (using the code FALL2017) for the visitors of Vegetal Valley and registered to the letter Phytesia. This offer is valid until Sunday 17 September 2017 at midnight.

Kit of 6 Cypripedium

Of all of the hardy orchids for sale, none are easier to grow than Bletilla. These spring-flowering perennial hardy orchids are quite durable in a wide range of garden conditions.

White, purple, bicolor or blue flowers. Discover the new assortment of 4 colors proposed exclusively by Phytesia.

Planting your Orchids

Cypripedium prefer soil that is low in organic matter and has good draining properties. Airing the soil is recommended, using a mineral substrate (at least 50%) such as sand, Argex, pouzzolane or ideally lava stone (vulca). As organic matter, a little finely crushed pine bark or some compost based on coconut leaves or fibres could be added.

It is important not only that the rhizomes of the Cypripedium do not desiccate in summer but also that they are not immersed in winter. The various mineral substrates will ensure good moisture retention in summer while encouraging good drainage during the winter.

Exposure in your garden

In the garden, we recommend planting Cypripedium in a cool, shaded or semi-shaded place. Sunlight at the hottest hours of the day is to be avoided.

Growth Phase

During the winter, the plant persists in rhizome form and does not require any special protection.

The new Cypripedium shoots usually appear during April. Once started, the vegetation grows very quickly; in 3 to 5 weeks, the foliage has opened out. The flowering extends from the end of April to June. At the end of the summer, the foliage yellows then fades before disappearing completely. Cypripedium then go into their winter dormancy.

Over the years and following the successive growth and dormancy cycles, Cypripedium not only become stronger but also multiply, thanks to the annual appearance of new shoots.
