Green Amsoi (Brassica Juncea) seeds, in the Spinach seeds for sale category of Seeds4Garden, comes in a 1800 size that you can plant in March to get it in July.
Spinach seeds for sale
(Amaranthus dubius) You can cook or stir-fry the amaranth. The taste resembles spinach but a little more delicate. The young stems are also edible. Sow from March to end of July in open ground. Plant out 25 cm apart, with 5 cm between rows. Harvest when the amaranth is 25 cm high, by cutting just above the ground. Let the plant re-grow, as is can be harvested several times.
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Green Amsoi (Brassica Juncea) Features
Seeds pack size: 1800
Flowering Month: July
Planting Month: March