Dill Bouquet (Anethum graveolens) seeds, in the Dill seeds for sale category of Seeds4Garden, comes in a 630 size that you can plant in April to get it in June.
Dill seeds for sale
According to the noted botanist Dodonaeus the mere fragrance of the seeds stops hiccups”. The plant has pinnate and fragile leaves. The greenish yellow, umbrella-like flowers are very popular and look good in flower bouquets. The freshly cut leaves have a wonderful fragrance and are perfect with fish dishes. Dried seeds are indispensable in pickling. Sow in the garden in rows. After emergence thin out.”
View this product on https://www.seeds4garden.com.
Dill Bouquet (Anethum graveolens) Features
Seeds pack size: 630
Flowering Month: June
Planting Month: April